Plymouth History Centre

Brand Design

This project was a branding proposal created for the Plymouth History Centre for its opening in 2020. The centre is a rebranding of the previously named Plymouth Museum after they encompassed 4 other historic record sites in the city.

Plymouth History Centre

Brand Design

This project was a branding proposal created for the Plymouth History Centre for its opening in 2020. The centre is a rebranding of the previously named Plymouth Museum after they encompassed 4 other historic record sites in the city.

Plymouth History Centre

Brand Design

This project was a branding proposal created for the Plymouth History Centre for its opening in 2020. The centre is a rebranding of the previously named Plymouth Museum after they encompassed 4 other historic record sites in the city.


Plymouth has a long established nautical history that is very well known to the people of Devon and Great Britain as a whole. So it was important to use this as inspiration for the brand design. I decided to use the idea of the artifacts and exhibits in the history centre being identified as treasures and the primary symbol for the brand being an X. Therefor having the famous pirate phrase "X marks the spot" as the main theme for the brand.


For the primary X symbol itself I created a logomark that represents the 5 previously seperate amenities that have come together to create the Plymouth History Centre. 4 of which are illustrated above with the 5 box being the Plymouth Museum itself.

The X marks the spot symbol enables the creation of expressive ways to build out the brand design through assets such as banners, posters, books, apparel and so on. Below are a few examples of the extended brand design in action.